A few weeks ago some family friends came out from California to stay with us for the first time. Here's some thoughts on the Ozarks from one of the girls. You can read the original post in her blog here:
"Aux Arks
Well I am in love.
Having just returned from my sojourn at The White Buffalo Resort, I must say how very impressed and not a little affected I was by my experience there. The simple beauty of the trees and rivers, the number of animals--ranging from armadillos and box turtles to squirrels, foxes and deer--that roam freely, and the sweeping peace of the place really showcases some of the highlights of the marvelous country that stretches throughout parts of Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri and Arkansas, known as The Ozarks.
Unfortunately, I must say that my bad luck with cameras has struck once again, and I broke mine and Leah's camera on my very first day at the resort. (What is that, Leah? Number 5?) Therefore, I have no photos to display as documentation of our lovely trip.
I will say, however, that on returning home, I swiftly googled The Ozarks to find out more, and found some pretty interesting stuff. For example, that the word "Ozarks" is thought to be derived from a linguistic corruption of the French abbreviation "Aux Arks," (short for "of Arkansas"). Or that is was an abbreviation for "aux-arcs-en-ciel," French for "towards the rainbows", which are common sights in the region. (thanks, wikipedia.)
And thank you to the wonderful Olwell Family and all their Ozarkian goodness!"
Yes, California DOES!