Monday, April 30, 2012

Tribulation Trout

Saturday had low water and the big ones were biting!
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Thursday, April 26, 2012


 We are very excited about the new sign being created for the resort.  After five years of patching the old one, the termites finally won the battle and we gave in...

It looks very much like our old sign, except that the rivers will be blue, the star (indicating the resort) will be red, and of course, the buffalo remains white.

Look for it when you arrive for your next visit "where the rivers meet".

See you on the river!
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Friday, April 13, 2012

Hike to the Cross


I have posted various times about the old rugged cross that overlooks Buffalo City from the top of the bluff that rises straight up from the opposite bank of the White River across from the resort. We have an article in the office that gives the history of it back to the mid-30's. Many customers make an annual trek to the top at some point during their stay, and now people come from all over just to be ferried across the river so they can climb and find the geocache hidden somewhere up there.
On Leap Day- when the high winds came through- the cross disappeared from view and we didn't know for certain whether it had blown down or blown away. Many people stopped into the office to express concern that the cross "was missing". We made arrangements with our church youth group to hike to the top and assess what needed to be done to ensure the cross would again take up its post, but before they managed to plan it, two anonymous hikers re-erected it just in time for Easter.
Next time you are headed to the resort, make you sure you look for it from the road because once you arrive, you'll be too close to see it unless you do the hike.